Thursday, November 18, 2010

History of Texas School Finance

Yesterday, the Leadership Class met at the district's new Career Center East and toured this 21st Century learning facility that houses high-tech programs including broadcasting, animation and engineering programs. After the tour, the class discussed the history of Texas School Finance. Some of the conversations included how could LISD residents educate our local representatives and senators about the needs of LISD; how can we (residents) advocate to fund public schools adequately; how can we (residents) ensure our school district benefits from growth in property values?

Architecture students at Career Center East work on a class project while Principal Adrian Moreno talks about the outstanding program.
Career Center East Architecture teacher Jeff Wagley discusses what the students are currently learning with the Inside LISD participants.
Inside LISD participants tour the architecture program and learn model construction, artistic presentation renderings and various construction techniques.
Career Center East Principal Adrian Moreno talks to Inside LISD participants about the state of the art technology in the Automotive Technology classroom.
Students in the Practicum in Health Science II class, also know as the Pharmacy Tech program, at Career Center East incorporate chemistry and algebra into lessons and have the chance to earn a Pharmacy Technician Certification.
Public Information Officer Karen Permetti discusses the ins and outs of school finance to the Inside LISD participants.

Next month, December, the Leadership Class will meet the Board of Trustees, learn about how their job as a Board member as well as how the Board operates as a team.

1 comment:

  1. It's really good to know that there are now a lot of universities offering pharmacy technician courses nowadays as compared to before wherein you might would need to transfer to another place to get this kind of training as not a lot of schools are offering them.
